Treeing Walker Coon Hounds
The treeing Walker coonhound is a beautiful and highly skilled hunting companion.
A Mr. Thomas Walker brought an English foxhound to Virginia in 1742 and it is speculated that the breed has descended from an accidental pairing of a cross-bred hound and one of the later English related Virginia foxhounds.
Treeing Walker coon hounds were finally acknowledged as an official breed in 1945 and while they have retained the rich coloring of the Walker fox hound, their hunting style is now quite different. These dogs will track and chase a raccoon until it runs up a tree, and the loud call of the coonhound alerts his handler that the tracking is over.
Treeing Walker coon hounds are fast and locate their quarry very quickly, but they’ll also chase all day and all night if necessary, such is their endurance and stamina. A raccoon may find itself up a tree in no time at all, with the coonhound calling his handler with his distinctive baying call. These dogs may also bark very loudly after treeing an animal, making it easier for them to be located.
Despite their name, coonhounds will chase many other animals and the treeing Walker coonhound is no exception. This breed has been used to hunt everything from rats to bears, alone or with other dogs, and they’re exceptionally effective. T
heir melodic howl and ability to climb trees to corner their quarry is attractive to hunters who want a reliable hunting coonhound they can easily find.
Of the coonhounds, the treeing Walker has a much less ‘cold’ nose, so is best suited for tracking recent quarry, and may even be distracted from a chase by a fresher track they find. Their hot-nosed tendencies make them excellent field trial dogs, and their speed gives them a very competitive edge.
While these coonhounds have razor-sharp scent tracking skills and enviable endurance for long hunts, they also make wonderful members of the family, enjoying being snuggled up in a warm house. It is well-known among treeing Walker coonhound owners that it can be difficult to coax a comfortable warm dog out for a hunt, although they relish the chase and the exercise once you can.
They are intelligent dogs, and require very consistent training to ensure they don’t lapse into any bad behaviors. Treeing Walker coonhounds will find any tiny gap of opportunity to get away with something they’re not supposed to be doing, just like a human, if they get bored they’ll come up with ways to make things more interesting. A hunting-trained treeing Walker will need very high fences at home, as they are capable of scrambling over anything 6 feet or even higher.
Potential Concerns
Generally speaking, treeing Walker coonhounds are healthy dogs with no strong pre-disposition to particular ailments, even as they get older. However, some dogs may suffer from coonhound paralysis, an allergic reaction to raccoon saliva, if they’re bitten. Otherwise, they are known to have rather sensitive digestive systems and a plain diet with no human food treats is advised.
They may chew on grass or other leaves to settle an upset stomach. Treeing Walker coonhounds are unlikely to put on extra fat, they are naturally very lean and even a well fed and nourished dog can sometimes look quite skinny.
Overall, the treeing Walker coonhound is a fantastic hunting buddy to have if you’re keen on following fresh tracks or you’re thinking of entering into field trial competitions. They’ll fit well into a family environment, they are affectionate and unperturbed by small children – they can even learn not to chase the family cat.
If the Treeing Walker isn’t for you, consider one of the other Coon Hound Breeds.
The Curs and Feists Coon Hounds
November 27, 2014 by Hunter • Coon Dogs • Tags: hound • 0 Comments
While breeders of different coonhounds were refining their breeding programs back in the 1700s and 1800s, rural America needed a hardy dog that would hunt, and also be protective of the family. Pioneering settlers in the Southern states bred their own working dogs. The result is the Cur dog, of which there are now a number of different breeds.
All of these varieties are derived from a scenthound of some kind, possibly the red bone coonhound, and their bloodline includes a mix of other breeds of dogs. For example, the Texas blue lacy Cur likely has greyhound or whippet forefathers, and it’s speculated that there may even be coyote. The Catahoula Cur dog is likely a mix of a type of French scenthound and Spanish mastiff, and there is a (however unlikely) chance there are some red wolf genes in there too.
Another hardy dog bred to be a good hunter and protector is the Feist. The Feist was likely bred from fox terriers, greyhounds and beagles, all brought over to the United States with English miners. Like the Cur dog, there are many types of Feist, but they are smaller than other hunting dogs, barely reaching 18 inches from feet to shoulders.
Both the Curs and the Feists coon hounds are primarily bred to be hardy, fearless hunters and protectors that can endure a days or even weeks hard work non-stop. The Cur dog is an all-purpose tree dog, with a medium nose. Curs are used to hunt and chase raccoons and other varmints, mountain lion and bear, and in Louisiana and Texas they are also used to hunt wild pigs. They are great stock dogs, working well with cattle in particular.
Protective and courageous, they will guard the home, but they are gentle and loving members of the family. They are similar to coonhounds in temperament, in that their nose rules their behavior, but they are less stubborn and more responsive, so an absolute delight to have indoors. They are bred to be hard working dogs, and therefore, like the coonhounds, need to be worked or exercised regularly, preferably as a hunter or stock dog to prevent boredom and associated destructiveness.
Feists are rugged little dogs and make great squirrel dogs, for which they are now primarily bred for hunting. They’re also efficient at chasing other small quarry such as rabbits and rats, and great to have around the home and property because they will eliminate all vermin, and keep them away as well. As
Feists are smaller, they’re able to get into rabbit and other small varmints burrows and nests and seek out litters of babies, before they become a problem. These dogs have an immense amount of energy, like the fox terrier, and they have a keen sense of smell.
Feists also hunt with their eyes and ears alert, and because they form such a tight bond with their handler, they’re very responsive to commands, even while pursuing an animal. They fit in well at home, especially as they’re smaller, and the strong relationship they build with their main hunting buddy can extend to the rest of the family, possibly including a cat who can stand its ground!
Both the Cur and the Feist are free of any particular health vulnerabilities, and live long lives, approximately 12-16 years.
Overall, both the Cur and the Feist dogs are extremely robust, able to work hard, play hard and they can be a loving member of the family they will guard and protect.
If the Cur or Feist isn’t for you, consider one of the other Coon Hound Breeds.